Reading from class: "New Possibilites"
"It's never too late to completely change your life. To become a better person. To become an asset to this world. To be of service to humanity. To transcend your earthly predicament with love, compassion and humilty. Never believe it is too late to rise to a higher vision. Each day is a fresh, beautiful opportunity to attain a pure heart. Correct your actions. Become a living embodiment of the Supreme; full of wisdom and loving kindness. All that is of good will life you up into ultimate reality when you emanate goodness. The Illuminated Ones will assist you. You are not alone. You will attract that which you are in your heart." -Sri Robert Adams
This quote really resonated. I loved the idea that even those of us at a Certain Age have the ability to reveal more authentic parts of ourselves and can actually improve our attitudes and expand our beliefs. Whew. A good reminder that we attract what we put out...