never too late...
I love this quote and every time I read it for class, I get a jolt of hope. especially on days where It does feel like I'm out here,...

Yoga for Depression
We all have depression at one point or another. As a therapist, i see the gamut from normative sadness after a loss, to low level...

Reading from class: "Going out to get happiness"
Sometimes it takes energy to get what we want. energy we may not have at the time. so re-charge and commit to nourish yourself so you can...

Reading from class: "You Don't Have To Be Good"
“You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to...

Yoga is for Every Body
In her article in Yoga Journal this month, Beyonce's drummer, Bibi McGill, is featured on the cover. So a stunning woman of color who is...

Reading from class: "We are what we've been looking for"
"There is a river flowing now, very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to...

Reading from class: "New Possibilites"
"It's never too late to completely change your life. To become a better person. To become an asset to this world. To be of service to...

finally! the blog!!!
so hi there. i have leaped into the pool of technology with the support of a Secret Tech Savvy Friend (who's initial might be G) and am...